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MAC randomization fails to protect mobile users from tracking

Are you concerned about your mobile privacy while browsing the internet? You may have heard of MAC randomization, a tool that has been touted as an effective shield against online tracking. However, recent studies suggest that this method falls short of ensuring users' anonymity and security on the web. In this blog post, we'll explore why MAC randomization fails to protect mobile users from tracking and what other measures they can take to safeguard their digital footprint. So buckle up and let's dive right in!

MAC randomization does not protect mobile users from tracking

MAC randomization is a security measure used to prevent the tracking of devices by randomly changing the Media Access Control (MAC) address. However, researchers have found that MAC randomization does not protect mobile users from tracking. The researchers analyzed data collected from over 1.5 million Android devices and found that MAC randomization does not prevent third-party trackers from uniquely identifying and profiling individual users. The study also found that MAC randomization is ineffective against both first-party and cross-site tracking. The findings highlight the need for stronger privacy measures to protect mobile users from tracking. The researchers suggest that mobile device manufacturers and operating system developers should consider other methods of protecting user privacy, such as suppressing the broadcast of MAC addresses or using randomized MAC addresses only for certain types of networks.

What is MAC randomization?

The MAC address of a device is a unique identifier that is assigned by the manufacturer. It is used to identify the device on a network. MAC randomization is a technique that is used to change the MAC address of a device periodically. The purpose of MAC randomization is to prevent tracking of devices by their MAC address. However, recent research has shown that MAC randomization does not provide effective protection against tracking. Researchers have developed techniques that can be used to track devices even when their MAC addresses are changed frequently. These techniques involve using other information about the devices, such as their IP addresses and the timestamps of packets, to track them. MAC randomization is thus not an effective measure for protecting mobile users from tracking. Mobile users should use other methods, such as VPNs, to protect their privacy.

How does MAC randomization work?

When a device uses MAC randomization, it generates a new, unique MAC address each time it connects to a Wi-Fi network. This makes it more difficult for observers to track the device by its MAC address because they will only see the address for a short period of time before it changes. MAC randomization is not a new concept and has been used in desktop operating systems for many years. However, it is only recently that mobile operating systems have begun to adopt this feature. It is turned on by default in iOS 8 and later, and in Android 6.0 and later. There are several ways in which MAC randomization can be implemented, but the most common method is to use a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) to create the new addresses. The PRNG is seeded with a value that is unique to the device, such as the device's serial number or IMEI. This ensures that the addresses generated by the PRNG are different each time, even if the same seed is used. MAC randomization is an effective way of reducing tracking, but it is not perfect. For example, an observer may still be able to track a device if it connects to the same Wi-Fi network multiple times or if its MAC address is leaked in some other way (e.g., through website cookies).

What are the benefits of MAC randomization?

There are a few benefits of MAC randomization, but they don’t extend to protecting mobile users from tracking. MAC randomization makes it difficult for someone to track a specific device because the MAC address will frequently change. This can be useful in some situations, such as preventing targeted ads. However, MAC randomization doesn’t prevent tracking overall because other methods, such as IP addresses and cookies, can still be used to follow a user’s online activity.

Are there any drawbacks to MAC randomization?

Yes, there are some drawbacks to MAC randomization. First, it does not protect against all types of tracking. Second, it can impact the performance of certain applications.


Overall, it is clear that MAC randomization fails to adequately protect mobile users from being tracked. While the technique does provide some degree of privacy for users, it can still be exploited by attackers through a variety of methods such as preemptive MAC scanning and data harvesting algorithms. Therefore, other strategies should be considered when attempting to ensure online privacy and security for mobile devices.

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